Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It is the end of September...

...and the dust has settled; with the summer ending and a new school year beginning.  Katy is rolling with her new, six day, block schedule.  She seems to enjoy most of her classes and really likes several of her teachers.  Her weekday activity schedule is very doable.  Her Storm karate team practice is on Mondays at 5:30, karate class on Wednesdays at 7:15 (this one is kind of hard to 'wait around for' and I'm not looking forward to going out once it is dark at this time...guess I'm a wimp), Triboro rehersal Thursdays from 4 - 6p, and back to karate on Fridays, with class and then assistant teaching in two of the younger kid's classes.  Kirk is great, doing the pick ups on Wednesday and Friday evenings on his way home from work.

I spent some time over the last few weeks, investigating some options to start getting me out and about.  Planned Parenthood posted a very interesting position; but it was full-time, on site, and would involve some statewide travel.  Not doable right now for me and the family.  I contacted the science department chair at Katy's school, reminding him of my interest in working on the science fair this year and any tutoring/volunteering position in the department...he replied that he was sending my info to the science team leaders in the high and middle school (which means I probably won't hear from them...I've been on the other side and know how stuff like this slips through the cracks).  But, I did have success responding to the Attleboro library's request for volunteers in the Children/Young Adult room and will be attending my training session this morning.  Because of Katy's volunteering over the past 4 years, I've gotten to know the two librarians a bit.  I feel comfortable in the library, given all the hanging around I've done, waiting for Katy.  Plus, I seem to be a bit simpatico with Amy, the Young Adult librarian, and specifically requested that we might work on a project together, over and above the mundane shelving I will most likely be doing.  Amy wants to get a book review program going for the older kids, like around Katy's age, and I think it is a fabulous idea.  So, hopefully, I will be helping her out with that too.

So, I've also been working on some pages, some of which I'll post here for you to enjoy.  Please feel free to send the blog link to other friends and family members...and remember you can always just follow the link at the bottom of my email signature!

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