Thursday, January 27, 2011

So overnight, we got more...


Can you see the huge snow bank created by the plow at the end of our driveway (which appears in this photo on the left...b/c for some reason, when I take photos with this computer...everything comes out reversed)?  All of our windows are covered with snow, so there must have been a fair amount of wind altho isn't much right now.

Needless to say, we got the no school call at 5:30am.  This is only #3 for Katy's school, but now I'm starting to wonder how this will affect the last day of school!

Headed out to try and help with the clean up...Katy knows that for her 13th birthday, she is getting her own shovel.  No time like the present to learn the subtle nuances of snow shoveling! Happy day to everyone!

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