Thursday, January 20, 2011

Awaiting another winter storm!

Well, the snow is expected to start sometime early tomorrow morning, around 2 - 3am and last until early afternoon.  Predictions for snow are anywhere between 4 - 8" total.  Boston has already cancelled...but no school around here have made the call.  Katy has only had one snow day this I think they should call it...if only b/c getting in and out of her school parking lot has been horrendous b/c of the construction...and huge snow I can't imagine how navigating all that will be with blinding snow.  So maybe I need to call the snow day! LOL!

So, here is another page I did today...working on getting 2010 done.  But...I had to do the sledding layouts, b/c the pictures were so good, so I cheated and did this one starting 2011:

I actually almost completed one more double page layout today...but needed Katy to send me one of her pictures so I could finish it...will post another day.  I love using the pre-designed pages from CM and nice to have a base from which to start and then customize it with your choice of papers and embellishments.  I hardly ever build a page from scratch anymore (how lazy am I)???  Anyway...for those of you in the snow zone...snuggle in and pray for the early am phone call.  And for those of you in the sunny zone...enjoy!

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